Break-Even Point Calculator
Time to Complete: 15 minutes

SBA offers this tool so you can calculate the break-even point for your business. They also provide detailed information on how to identify a fixed cost versus a variable cost, how to calculate fixed costs that are not paid monthly, and how to consider semi-variable costs. They even explain the benefits of a break-even analysis here. Plus, your results include a profile, graph, and sales sheet!

How to use it
  • Input your monthly fixed costs (don’t worry, the tool helps break this down).

  • Enter your pricing, expected sales, and monthly variable costs.

  • Get your detailed break-even analysis.

  • Print your results.

SBA offers this tool so you can calculate the break-even point for your business. They also provide detailed information on how to identify a fixed cost versus a variable cost, how to calculate fixed costs that are not paid monthly, and how to consider semi-variable costs. They even explain the benefits of a break-even analysis here. Plus, your results include a profile, graph, and sales sheet!

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