Sign up today to get up to 50% off FedEx shipments with Excelerate America's FedEx Advantage Program.

Unlock exclusive discounts and shipping services

Members get access to discounted rates on eligible domestic and export shipments, no fees or minimum volume required:
30% OFF
30% OFF
50% OFF
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How to access discounted FedEx shipping

⁠A FedEx account is required to access the FedEx Advantage discounts. If you don’t currently have one, you’ll be directed to open one online. If you already have a FedEx account, use that account number when you enroll and our program discounts and services will apply. 
  • Sign up to access our discounted shipping program
  • Complete registration to enroll in FedEx Advantage
  • Open a new FedEx account or connect an existing account
  • Our FedEx Advantage discounts apply every time you ship

Why ship through our FedEx Advantage program?

Our program offers the best shipping rates so your business can thrive and succeed in today's competitive market.
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Drive growth and save

Every dollar counts, so we’ve partnered with FedEx to offer a shipping program tailored to businesses. Our competitive rates help you optimize your supply chain, expand your reach, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. 

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Streamline your operations

We offer a comprehensive range of shipping services at discounted rates--from overnight deliveries to international shipments. Our program covers all aspects of shipping operations, so you can cut costs and increase efficiency. 

Have questions?
We’re here to help! Set up a quick call to talk to our team.

FedEx Shipping FAQ

Find answers to your FedEx shipping program questions.